Classic Software and Services L.L.C. provides the following products:
Classic Tiff Purifier - In production at four financial institutions.
Purifies TIFF images, in Image Cash Letters, to the ANSI X9.100-181 specification.
Provides Integrity to the data stream by eliminating TIFF variances and the risk of a returned item due to TIFF variances.
Runs as a lights out, Windows Service.
Unmatched Performance, analyzing well over 1000 images per second (yes per second!).
Passes thru ICL files that have no variances unaltered.
Provides daily reports, as an excel spreadsheet, on items with variances and what action was taken to purify the images.
The Solution to TIFF variances coming in from Branch, or Corporate capture.
Does not alter the unencoded image, but only modifies the images encoding scheme to be compliant with ANSI X9.100-181
Classic Integration with OrboCAR or Orbo Anywhere - for the IBM Financial Transaction Manager (FTM) Gateway
An add on to the Classic TIFF Purifier, this integration provides access to IQUA, recognition, and amount verification provided by Orbograph.
Provides Recognition Services at the point of entry for items, reducing or eliminating the need for any 3rd party Keying solutions.
Provides for Image Quality and Usability Analysis to determine if an image is clear and readable.
Has unmatched Performance operating at 4000 - 15,000 DPM.
Verify's the amounts of your inclearning items to catch misencodes before your customers do.
Classic Endorser - for the IBM FTM Gateway
Adds a customized endorsement to items that come in through the IPD Gateway.
The endorsement is burned into the image.
Useful to put custom text on virtual documents, such as virtual cash tickets, etc.
Console Manager - Manages all of your FTM J2SE Applications under one end user application
The console manager lets you manage several systems,
Allowing for multiple users to shadow one another and observe the commands being entered.
Retains 8 - 24 hours of messages.
Provides an audit of who enteried what command and when.
Allows you to manage development, integration, UAT, and production on seperate screens.
Color coding scheme to differentiate the various systems so commands are entered for a system they weren't intended.
Start, Stop, Pause or Resume the Gateway instances.
Enter any command allowed at the console.
Run the FTM complex as services, but have access to the consoles so commands can be entered quickly and accurately.
Super Migration Plus - Integrates disparate systems by extracting and converting data from one system into another system.
Supports many different archives as the source or destination of the information. We add new archives all the time, here's a short list of just some of the many we support:
Account Folio
File Net
Image Centre
Image Mark
Image View
Win Coins
IBM Payment Director / Financial Transaction Manager related products including:
Stacker Control Instructions (SCI) to Business Rules conversions
Image Archive Server (IAS) or Image Export Server (IES) user exits
Image Gateway (IGW) user exits
Services Framework Tasks
DB2 Performance Tuning